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How to Keep Your Hair Healthy in the Summer Heat: Zenagen Solutions

Summertime can be so damaging to your hair, between the heat, humidity, chlorine, and salt water. It's no wonder people experience damaged hair by the end of the season. If you're looking for a solution, look no further than Zenagen. Our line of hair repair products is perfect for restoring your hair to its former glory. In this blog post, we'll talk about why the summer heat damages your hair and how Zenagen can help. 


How Does Summer Damage Hair?

The summer sun can be damaging to your hair in a number of ways. The heat and humidity can cause your hair to become frizzy and damaged. Chlorine and salt water can also strip your hair of its natural oils, leading to dry, brittle hair.  If you're not careful, the summer heat can really take a toll on your hair.


Not to mention UV rays. Did you know that UV rays can be just as damaging to your hair as the summer heat? They can cause your hair to become dry, brittle, and damaged. They can also cause your hair to lose its color and shine.


How Can I Protect My Hair?

Don't worry - there are things you can do to protect your hair from the sun. First, make sure you use sunscreen on your scalp. We recommend this one from Actiiv. You can also wear a hat or scarf to protect your head from the sun's rays. Another thing you can do is avoid overexposure to the sun. Try not to stay in the sun for too long, and make sure to apply sunscreen regularly.


If you're looking for a more permanent solution, consider using a UV-protective shampoo and conditioner like Zenagen Evolve Treatment. These products will help protect your hair from UV damage while helping keep it healthy and hydrated and repair and prevent damage. The before and after shown is after just one wash with Evolve!


You also want to limit your use of hot tools, especially during the summertime. The Strengthening Leave-in Conditioner has a built-in heat-protectant and is perfect to use before you style your hair with hot tools. It helps to strengthen and protect your hair against heat damage and keeps your hair looking healthy and sleek all day long. It also helps to repair any previous damage that may have been caused by the sun or other elements.

General Maintenance

It's important to keep up with your general hair care routine even in the summer heat. Along with avoiding hot tools and using the best hair products, here are a few other tips to help you keep your hair healthy and looking its best.


Drink plenty of water. One of the most important things you can do for your hair is to drink plenty of water. Drinking water helps keep your hair hydrated, which is important in preventing damage. It also helps to flush out toxins and impurities that can damage your hair.


Get regular trims. Getting regular trims is important in keeping your hair healthy. Trimming helps to get rid of split ends and damaged hair. It also helps to keep your hair looking its best.


Use a scalp massager. A scalp massager is a great way to improve blood circulation to the scalp and help promote hair growth. It can also help to relieve tension and stress in the head and neck area. If you're looking for a way to improve your hair health, a scalp massager is a great option.


To Wrap Things Up…

Summertime can be tough on your hair, between the heat, humidity, chlorine, and salt water. But don't worry - there are things you can do to protect your hair from the sun's rays and other elements. We've talked about some of the best ways to protect your hair in this blog post, including using sunscreen, a hat or scarf, and avoiding overexposure to the sun. We've also talked about using a UV-protective shampoo and conditioner, as well as limiting your use of hot tools. In addition to these tips, we recommend keeping up with your general hair care routine and drinking plenty of water. We hope these tips help you keep your hair healthy and looking its best this summer!


Read about natural hair loss shampoos.


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